The Extraordinaries Club will close forever on 8th September.

Join by 8th August to download all the key content and take part in our final live sessions.

Support your child to get better grades in their exams without the stress, nagging or worry.

The Extraordinaries Club teaches your child study skills so that they can revise effectively and reach their potential in their GCSE and A-Level exams.  And, you, as their parent, learn how to support them without sulks, sleepless nights and slammed doors.

Does any of this sound familiar?

Your child:

  • Works hard but doesn't get results that reflect their efforts leaving them demoralised and upset
  • Lacks focus and direction wasting crucial time
  • Feels stressed and overwhelmed and can't seem to get on top of their work, no matter what you suggest
  • Doesn't know how to organise themselves so they're always missing deadlines or losing important notes
  • Isn't getting the grades you know, in your heart, they're capable of
  • Just needs to learn how to revise effectively


  • Lie awake at night stressing about your child's future if these exams don't work out
  • Dread asking them how their revision is going because it always ends in a screaming argument
  • Are tired to your bones of your life being a constant state of crisis management
  • Want family life to stop being dominated by exam stress
  • Depressed that your relationship with your teen is being ruined by all this talk of exams

On top of all this, your child's school hasn't taught them to revise so they don't have the skills to help themselves.

Introducing The Extraordinaries Club

Join The Extraordinaries Club so that your child can learn the study skills, habits and mindset to reach their full academic potential, and stay happy in the process.

Oh, and you can stop nagging and stressing about their future.

The Extraordinaries Club is an online community and on demand classroom for families in the exam years. It’s like personal development for teens and their parents: you build resilience, study skills and life skills to exceed expectations this school year and beyond.

Who's behind The Extraordinaries Club?

Lucy Parsons, founder of The Extraordinaries Club, is an academic coach, qualified teacher and author of The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take.

When Lucy was at school she had a dream to study at Cambridge University. But, she went to ordinary comprehensive schools. Between year 11 and 13 she worked out a system to get the top grades, earned five As at A-Level and her place at Cambridge.

The study skills system you will learn in The Extraordinaries Club is based on the one Lucy developed at school. Working with clients since 2015 Lucy has refined this system to address all the struggles that families face during the GCSE and A-Level years.

Lucy Parsons, founder of The Extraordinaries Club
The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take

Benefits of joining The Extraordinaires Club

  • You get direct access to Lucy Parsons (club founder, academic coach, teacher and Cambridge graduate) - Lucy doesn’t take on 1:1 clients anymore - this is how to learn from her

  • You get coached to overcome the mindset, motivation and study skills blocks that are holding you back
  • You learn and implement the study skills framework that has helped students get all 9s at GCSE and helped others to massively exceed their expectations
  • You get to hang out with like-minded students and parents who want to succeed in education in a healthy, balanced way
  • You get subject-specific revision advice and exam technique from some of the best teachers in the business
  • Join when you like, leave when you like - you can even pause your membership and come back later. We want the club to be useful to you when you need it.

What's Inside The Extraordinaires Club

Study Skills Modules

Work through the Study Skills Pyramid to build your study skills from the ground up

Subject Specific How to Revise Masterclasses

GCSE Masterclasses


English Language

English Literature






Foundations of Science



Religious Studies


Create Your GCSE English Revision Plan with 6 Weeks to Go

A-Level Masterclasses


English Literature








Religious Studies




Other Masterclasses

Exam Technique

Conquer Your Coursework

Self Care In The Exam Years

Coaching Calls

What are they?

Our weekly term time coaching calls support you and your child in implementing what you learn from the study skills modules and the masterclasses.

When are they?

They happen at 7 pm on Tuesdays during term time on Zoom.

Who are they for?

Coaching calls alternate between parents only and students only from week to week.

Mums and dads get support too!

  • Parent version of all the study skills modules to help you know how to support your child
  • Coaching calls for parents only
  • Parents’ only Facebook group

What our members say about the club

My daughter got a 6 in maths which seemed like a pipe dream when we started on the journey with the club.


In just 30 minutes my daughter realised what she was doing wrong with her revision.


My daughter recently received her school report for last term and she got mostly A’s and A*s - a big improvement on both maths and science results; C’s last time! She tells me it’s all because of you, so thank you ?

Helen Bohanna

The Extraordinaries Club has given my daughter a massive boost in confidence and improved her wellbeing hugely. She is really motivated and is feeling good - a very different place to where she started only three months ago.

Annette benny

We watched the English masterclass the night before his exam - and having been predicted a 6, he only came home with a 9!! We were over the moon!  He says it's because he did everything in the video.

mum of year 11

A godsend!

paula williams


£64 per month
Billed monthly

All prices include VAT and include membership for up to 5 members of your family

The Extraordinaries Club will close forever on 8th September. Join before 8th August to download all the key content to keep forever and take part in our final live sessions.

For your peace of mind...

  • 14 day money back guarantee - try it and if you don't like it, ask for your money back before the end of your 14th day of membership
  • Pause or or cancel your subscription at any time

When you join the club and implement the study skills modules and masterclasses you WILL see improvements week by week in grades, organisation, time management and family harmony.

More feedback from our members

My daughter did the GCSE French Masterclass. The hints and tips made her marks move from 7 or 8 out of 16 to 13 or 14 out of 16 in about a week. Now she's been put in for the higher level exam!

Tracy, mum of year 11

My son is now more organised and I don't have to push him into anything - he's so much more focused. 

raza, dad of year 11

My son's GCSE results were four 9s, two 8s and four 7s. I tried a few different study skill tutors without success so when we saw your programme, I thought we'd give it a try as we had nothing to lose. 

We followed your weekly sessions meticulously - it helped focus his mind on what he needed to do to achieve the best grades, organise his files, manage his time and prepare himself for exams... will definitely recommend your programme to friends.

Tracy, mum of year 11

My daughter has a lot more motivation since joining the club. It has opened up a dialogue about school work and studying between us. I feel I am able to support her more and not just nag about homework.

elizabeth, mum of year 13

Every child is encouraged to take the lead in their own life. I highly recommend The Extraordinaries Club.

raphaelle cox, mum of year 11

The Extraordinaries Club equipped us not only with tools to help him, but enabled me to enhance our relationship through the whole process with the communication tips. One of the best investments I've ever made. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

AMANDA, mum of year 8

The Extraordinaries Club is a great way to get more in-depth, personalised help. Both students and parents are supported on how to survive the exam years. Highly recommended if you want to help your child achieve their potential while retaining your sanity!

lisa, mum of year 11

Want to learn more about the club?

Watch our FREE webinar with your child.

The webinar is called

How to reach your academic potential with less stress and more success

Here's what you'll discover:

  • The top 3 mistakes GCSE and A-Level students make when they're preparing for their exams and why they're costing you marks and grades
  • My step-by-step system that has helped hundreds of students reach their academic potential, and frequently exceed their expectations
  • What your child's study skills strengths and weaknesses are so they can work on the things that will make the biggest difference to their grades

You'll also learn more about The Extraordinaries Club and whether it's right for you.
